Brainy Boy's absolute favorite thing about the newspaper is the editorial cartoons. He has quite the collection of clippings and he was less than thrilled when he learned that we canceled our subscription.
It just turned out that a recent assignment in his Spark class (sort of a gifted program) was to create an editorial cartoon. Below is a picture along with the captions that I could make out. There was some furious erasing going on before I had a chance to write the entire thing, perhaps because he spied me taking the photo ?!
The guy on the left is President Bush who is thinking "These stupid cue cards are all out of order! Don't worry, it'll come to me." The three confused individuals on the right are labeled "Congress" and they have question marks over their heads and the script reads, "...and Congress isn't any better!"
How'd he know that?!
It just turned out that a recent assignment in his Spark class (sort of a gifted program) was to create an editorial cartoon. Below is a picture along with the captions that I could make out. There was some furious erasing going on before I had a chance to write the entire thing, perhaps because he spied me taking the photo ?!
How'd he know that?!