Antique Mommy had this meme and I liked reading hers, so I figured I'd take the easy way out this last day of 2007 and do my version. Still amazed : that God blessed me by making me a mom. Still getting used to : the fact that college kids think I'm old. Still loving: my laptop computer. Still proud of : having my employer ask me to take a temporary assignment on a permanent basis. Still not proud of: the way I get grouchy and impatient when my To-Do list gets overwhelming. Still hoping : that I'll start liking my body the way that it is. Still worried: about being enough of a Godly influence on my kids to equip them to handle the world they live in. Still never going to: sky dive. Still pretending: that I'm going to be a competent digital scrapbooker some day. Still reading: my Bible through, which I had hoped to finish by the end of 2007. Still wanting to read: the rest of the C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia. Still interested in: learning how to u...
I'm not transparent, but I am authentic.