Luckily Brainy Boy rode to church with Muh Main Man in the truck so I had time to do a little damage control before he got home and saw the tragedy. I tucked the insides back as best I could and things looked a bit better by the time Brainy Boy got a glance. In true hero form, Muh Main Man assured Brainy Boy that he could repair the damage and he's had a bit of experience in this particular area, if you remember from poor Silver here just a few months back. As you may have guessed DogSpot was the culprit but she didn't act appropriately sorry enough for Brainy Boy's taste. She's in the virtual dog house even as we speak.
Happily, Muh Main Man came to the rescue, did his magic, and Snowy is alive and well. Muh Main Man is getting so good in the needlepoint arena, that I'm going to ask him to make me a ruffled blouse next.
A ruffled blouse? WE WANT LOTS OF PICTURES!!!