I get a bit irritable when there's something that I try to do and I can't figure out on my own how to do it. By figure it out myself, I mean using my own vast supply of logic, a bit of try this and try that, perhaps a Google search or two and then it better work. By figure it out, in no way do I mean to open a manual or read any type of directions.
My recent quest to figure out how tounderline, I mean scratch out a particular word when I'm blogging has kept me particularly annoyed. This particular skill has eluded me for a couple of months now, and taking my too-busy-to-mess-with-it schedule, I've been going around in a state of silent irkdom whenever I have a lovely spot in which to use this little trick and I can't figure how to do it.
Enter today, just by happenstance, Bloggingbasics101 which very well could be a blogging newbie's best friend. I was perusing the site just to see what small morsel I might pick up and I was feeling quite smug, if I do say so myself. I pretty much already knew everything I was reading in each entry. Until....at the very bottom....was how to cross out, or 'strike through' a word in your blog!!!
You'd better watch it now that I know how todo this because it's going to be turning up everywhere. Now isn't this just grand??!
My recent quest to figure out how to
Enter today, just by happenstance, Bloggingbasics101 which very well could be a blogging newbie's best friend. I was perusing the site just to see what small morsel I might pick up and I was feeling quite smug, if I do say so myself. I pretty much already knew everything I was reading in each entry. Until....at the very bottom....was how to cross out, or 'strike through' a word in your blog!!!
You'd better watch it now that I know how to