We've kept the shopping to a minimum for Brainy Boys' sake and have tried to cater some of our activities more his liking. We've made 2 trips to the library, a couple of lunches out (Brainy Boy adores eating out--he fancies himself a gourmet) and tonight an outdoor movie at the community pool (Night at the Museum).
One bonus of the week alone was that Muh Main Man taught him to ride the Big Bear four-wheeler which certainly would not have happened had Little Chic been here. She would have insisted on her own solo turn and dad's still too protective to allow that with her lighter weight and smaller size (and her need for speed--wonder where she gets that from?). Brainy Boy is much more cautious and rule-keeping than his sister. She's like her dad that way...Brainy Boy profusely thanked his dad for the privilege and assured him that he feels "much more manly now." Seriously, he said that with a completely sincere countenance.
UPDATE: We opted to eat at Friendly's for dinner since it was just the two of us (Muh Main Man had Hazmat training), and then we rented the movie to watch at home. It was a bit to warm and buggy for Brainy Boy to enjoy watching the movie outside. He's a fall and winter kind of kid. I suppose it's a good thing that we camp in the Adirondacks where it is eternally cool at night. But, I digress. The movie was hilarious, and even though it's hard to impress us, we both highly recommend it.