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The Day of Luv

On this day especially, it's fun to celebrate all the loves in your life. As far back as I can remember, the goal was always to have somebody special on Valentine's day, if for nothing more than to be able to spend $4 on one of those fancy cards. My Valentine's Days have evolved drastically since I first got the guts to admit I was in love with 12-year-old Darrin Christ back when I was in sixth grade and at this stage of life, the challenge is finding a new and creative way to express that feeling to the guy I live with every day.

These days, not only does Valentine's include my One & Only, but it also provides ample training ground for Brainy Boy and Little Chic on how to adequately provide a tangible token to their special someones one day in the far-off future. They don't mind these lessons at all, being that they both scored one of the oversized Hershey kisses that come out at this time of year (Brainy Boy's from Mom and Little Chic's from Dad).

This year, in addition to a nice dinner out and a sweet, heartfelt card, I wanted to do something extra special for Hero Guy. I considered getting him a new hunting gadget or perhaps having his truck detailed, but considering that we are participating in the Financial Peace University, I didn't want to put the pressure on him to reciprocate, thus emptying our Gifts envelope in one fell swoop.

I've decided to go with a goal that I've had for a while - thus ending his self-imposed boycott on my blog. Hero Guy has proclaimed since the beginning that he thought keeping a blog was a bit self-indulgent, perhaps slightly presumptive that someone else would want to read about our life. Other than the extremely rare cases when I insist on him reading, like here or here or more rare cases, when he is urging me to post big news like this he just flat out doesn't visit Thinks By Me. Can you imagine?! Upon lots of whining, inquiring and nagging it has become clear that the reason Hero Guy doesn't read about us is that he doesn't ..... well .... he doesn't like the moniker I've given him. Apparently he likes to play the hero, but he doesn't like to be called the hero.

So for our Valentine's Day this year as we're nearing our 18th year of wedded bliss, I'm renaming my guy, the one I love, the best husband and dad to her kids that a girl could have. Hero Guy is trying to convince me to rename him "Earl" but I absolutely refuse to be married to the guy that the Dixie Chicks sing about killing. We've compromised though. From now on, I dub thee "Muh Main Man".


Unknown said…
Does he like 'Earl' from the TV show 'My Name Is Earl'? We watch that show from time to time, it's pretty funny.

I like your new name "Muh Main Man", we'll def know who you're talking about.
PandaMom said…
Well tell Yer Main Man that we out here in the Blogosphere are kinda used to Hero Guy. Now I feel like a new man has entered the picture! HA!
Rochelle said…
Well, we all know compromise is a big part of marriage :) So now can we expect that "Muh Main Man" will be an active blogisphere member? Hee hee
Anonymous said…
How sweet! I especially loved your blog from last Valentine's makes me in favor of cloning. :) - Jenn Jones
Barb said…
I like that! MMM. I mean think about it. Mmmmmmmm. Perfect!
Anonymous said…
Is this the same Jennifer Brown (formerly) that broke my heart in Junior High?
JenLo said…
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JenLo said…
If Greenville was the town, I suppose I'll have to take the blame ;0 Where are you/your family these days? Email me if you want to catch up at jolsen1(at)stny(dot)rr(dot)com. I haven't had contact with anybody from BJ since I left. Too funny that you ran across your name in my blog 25 years later!

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