I tried to pry some details out of him, but all he would say was that it was "disturbing". That's BBoy-speak for "personal, embarassing, private". Brainy Boy is quite the scientist, and after he knows the information, he prefers not to discuss it if it is of a personal nature. Somehow repeating it makes it much worse. Double that with being in the room with 50 other 4th grade boys and talking about your body with a strange male gym teacher from the middle school--it makes it all a little weird. At bedtime, though, I asked him if he had learned anything he didn't know before, and he imparted a few tidbits about growing hair and body parts getting larger.
And then this jewel as we said goodnight....
Him: "Hey, Mom".
Me: "Huh?"
Him: "You know how when somebody wakes up and their bed is wet and you think they've peed the bed?"
Me: "Yeah???"
Him: "That's not pee. That's a wet dream. It's made out of sperm or something."
Me: "Really? Good to know."
Ya'll just wait. It's coming to a boy of yours next.
- Debbie Stewart