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What's Mine is Mine and What's Yours is Mine

The tug 'O war began as soon as Hero Guy and I each started selecting supplies for our respective camping trips. I am going with 6 Girl Scouts and 4 moms (including Mwah) and he is going with Brainy Boy, BB's friend and himself. Let's guess who needs more equipment? Hmmmm, somehow the pile that is going with the boys is a whole lot higher than the one going with the girls. It was not for lack of trying.

I sneaked into the garage, started smuggling gear into my bag when Hero Guy began suspecting that some necessities were missing. He started with looking for the cooler--the huge, extreme cooler that is like, 70 gallons or so. I figured that since we had 2, he could have one, I could have one. Not according to him. His argument is that since the camper the Girl Scouts will be using has a refrigerator, it is only fair that I let him take both. He sees no point to the argument that the 'refrigerator' is actually a shoebox-sized cooler that holds a 6-pack of soda and that's about it. I took pity on him and accepted the two small, beat-up, ancient coolers that were buried in the dark caves of our basement.

Such was the case with the butane lighters, the tarps, the condiments for our food, the lanterns, the clothesline, the...well, you get the point. Let's just say that after spending approximately $300 at Walmart for double camping accessories (I believe camping is generally considered a cheap way to vacation), we'll have enough odds & ends to supply the entire campground with anything they've forgotten.

Being that packrat that I am NOT, I am going to have to resist throwing out the extras when we're done and opt instead for packing them away for the next time I need them. I cannot stand to have lots of supplies that I have to dig for, but I prefer to just go to the store and restock each time I need it. It will be an exercise in organization and purge control, I'm sure.


Rebecca said…
I have not even tried camping with my kids yet. My sanity can't afford it!

When they're all out of diapers ...

Great blog!
Good for you! I am such a girly girl, if there is no electricity or running water, im stayin right where I am!
Marissa Kay said…
Jennifer, please tell us how you really feel! I- Brainy Boy's friend's mom appreciate your efforts. You are a great wife and mom. You are a great friend!
They got a late start but it was raining like crazy. I hope it does not rain the whole time you are gone!You and John both deserve nice weather and the kids!

Thanks again!
moderator said…
LOL! You are so adventuresome! For $300, I would be happy to cram everyone into the Motel Six - they leave the light on, and there is running water. I have to admit, I am with you on pitching the stuff and buying new each time, but that is because I want fresh, clean equipment instead of the musty stuff. Clearly, I am not camper material.
Anonymous said…
Your kids will have awesome memories of camping...I still do. However, the older I get the more sissy I get about bugs, outhouses, and sleeping on the ground. Go figure!
Unknown said…
SHEESH!!! I guess I forgot about everything it takes to go camping. I for one have not been camping since HS. I do remember setting up the tent and all and even bringing out the extension cord from the house so we could have the TV and a fan while sleeping in the tent. In all reality I guess that's not really camping.

I hope everyone had a great time!
owlhaven said…
Hope you had fun! Mary

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