I have really been enjoying my two-hour a day job in the school office where I've been working. It's a great mix of bustle and interesting people, but no stress since it's for such a limited number of hours. Although I wouldn't classify myself as a kid person per se (in the sense that teaching kids all day was never a field that interested me)I love seeing the ones that pass in and out of the school office for various reasons. It is a hoot to hear what some of those kids are thinking out loud! This last week, Naughty Boy had committed some indiscretion in his classroom and the consequence was spending the entire following day sitting outside of the Principal's office completing all of his classwork alone. As you can imagine, it was a long day for Naughty Boy, but he really was quite a trooper, although it was clear he was relieved when bus call finally arrived at the end of the day. Principal was having an end-of-the-day discussion with Naughty Boy to determine ...
I'm not transparent, but I am authentic.