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Home, Happy Home

We're back from our blast to Thanksgiving in Texas. This is how we looked there. It's not how we look today, believe me. I'll be posting all the juicy details later, but first we wanted to throw out a big "hang in there" to my brother and his family who did their own traveling to a family Thanksgiving in Indiana. While there, they witnessed his in-laws having a very serious car accident. Thankfully God was watching over them and it wasn't fatal, but their recovery will be long and difficult. Also thankfully, my brother, along with his kids and wife, were following the Grandma & Grandpa, so none of them were in the involved vehicle. We love you guys!


Rochelle said…
Well at least you looked good on Thanksgiving day! ha! Great pic!
I heard about William's inlaw's awful!
PandaMom said…
OMG! Is this a GREAT photo or what?!!! You guys look awesome and I love your hair! So sad to be so close and yet so FAR! ; )
Laura said…
Great photo...sad news. Will keep everyone in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Sending lots of prayers and positive vibes!
laurie said…
Nice Family Photo! :~) So sorry to hear about William's inlaws. Hope things go well with their recovery. We will be praying for them.
Melanie said…
I left a comment before and I just came back to add that I love your new profile picture. But now I see that my other comment isn't here so I must've done the word verification wrong and not realized it.

So- I think that what I had said before was that your family picture is great. You all look amazing.

Such a sad story about the car accident. How fortunate that your brother and his family were safe and that his in laws are recovering.
Unknown said…
Love that picture of you guys!

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